Six Greatest Needs for 2012

As we look towards 2012, here are the six greatest needs of Kimmy’s House

  1. Office space in the Lakewood/Green Mountain area. Currently we work out of the home of the Executive Director.
  2. Staff support funds for Laura Hutchings and Erin Drescher. Shannon Neel, founder and Executive Director, volunteers her time to run and administrate the non-profit, as well as coordinate fundraisers and donor development. As Kimmy’s House continues to send mission teams, take on new partners globally, and have more fundraisers; Laura and Erin are raising personal support to come on staff and work with Shannon and the board to carry out the vision and passion of Kimmy’s House.  Laura and Erin will begin early 2012.
  3. Board: A few more members to serve a three-year term on our board of directors who will bring specific skills. We would like to be diverse culturally and have a few specific professional skills. (Occupational, Physical or Speech Therapist, Medical professional, Special Education teacher, CPA or Accountant, Legal background.)
  4. Partners: Organizations globally who are well-developed in the countries they serve and know of unmet needs in their community for any special needs children and orphans. We greatly desire to be connected to the needs and work along-side existing organizations that are well established with the nationals.
  5. Corporate sponsors: To underwrite fundraising event costs.
  6. Funding Goal of $50,000 beginning on Tuesday December 6, 2011.

We want to hear how you are available to help us!  Please CONTACT US

Our 2012 goal, beginning on December 6, 2011: Colorado Gives Day, is $50,000

Colorado Gives Day is an initiative to increase philanthropy in Colorado through online giving. Because Kimmy’s House is based out of Colorado, we have the opportunity to be involved; however, anyone (living anywhere) can give on Colorado Gives Day.

This funding will cover new operating expenses, support our work in Haiti and India,
and allow us to pursue future partnerships to expand to new locations
and further the work of Kimmy’s House in the year 2012.

Please consider how you can invest in global special needs orphan care and make yourself available by helping us reach our $50,000 goal beginning on Colorado Gives Day.

We are asking for:

  • 200 people to make a monthly recurring donation of any amount (If 200 people make a $25/month donation for a year we meet our goal!)  You don’t even have to wait until December 6th.  You can go online now and set your recurring donation to begin on December 6th, and Kimmy’s House will still receive a percentage of the matching funds
  • 9 people to make a one-time donation of any amount every hour during the 24 hours of Colorado Gives Day

In addition, we are looking for people who are willing to make themselves
available by getting their community involved.

Which of these ways are you available to help Kimmy’s House?

We are thankful for your involvement and ask that you join us in praying for God’s
provision as we move forward into the next year.

We want to hear how you are available to help us!  Please CONTACT US

Sincerely; Shannon Neel, Carol Record, Jen Janz, Holly Gosa, Shelly Shunk, Laura Hutchings, Erin Drescher

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