Son Son in the Spotlight

So we start our school day with Bible songs and a Bible story, well as usual things did not go as planned. We were singing Bible songs, which actually get quite loud, because they are huge on keeping in rythmn and clapping down here. And it was getting carried away today. Usually in the songs there comes a point where we all just look at each other and we know that it is time for the story. Well, that time did not happen today, we sang for over an hour and than Son Son goes to the middle of the room and says, we are not having school today we need a revival, than he walks over to the table grabs a marker, acts like it is a microphone and does a sound check and goes back to the middle of the room and starts to preach. I was not able to catch a lot of what he was saying, but when he said Hallelujah you had better follow by saying one too. Or he would come over and say it again right in front of you.

It is at these moments that you sit back and wonder if we should have school today or just let him keep going. But his sermon came to a close after much yelling and much praising God, and we had out Bible Story and about 45 minutes of school. Hard day to process just what happened, but God is good and at work in the hearts of these impressionable little guys.

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